Marketplace⚡Mastery #78: Amazon Inspire is dead

Yes, this is a rebranding of the newsletter formerly known as Amazon Seller Tools

Hey sellers, big updates this week! Amazon Inspire is out, AI-powered ad tools are in, and we’re diving deep into the latest CTR insights that could boost your conversions. Let’s get into it!

And, yes, Marketplace⚡Mastery is a rebranding of the newsletter formerly known as Amazon Seller Tools

🛠️ Recommended for you!

Sellerise SQP Insights Tool: Gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers' journey with this new tool. Discover which keywords drive sales, identify where shoppers drop off in the buying process, and benchmark your performance against the market.

🛑 Attention Amazon Sellers

This week’s chit-chat is all about… could this be the reason behind Amazon Seller Support’s shi**y service?


📰 What you need to know

👉 Amazon is shutting down its TikTok-style shopping feed “Amazon Inspire” and putting more focus on AI-driven search. What does this mean for you? Well, let’s just say you need to 100% rely on Rufus for product discovery.

👉 Rufus is now indexing carousel images to answer customer questions

💡 Like this newsletter? You’ll love Joe Elder’s Amazon Insiders. Stay ahead with insider tips from top sellers.

👉 The Amazon Seller financing guide in just 3 minutes

👉 Upgrade to a higher Vine enrollment tier within first 30 days

👉 One Amazon seller got their FBA receive times cut down from 24 days to 4 days using live unloads

💡 Pro Tip: the tea cup handle strategy

This brand is using 3 great and easy ways to boost the CTR on the results page:

  • Mega label innovator

  • “tea cup handle" strategy

  • Pushing the limits of the hero image

⚒️ Software & Services

Every 15 days, we’ll recommend 2 software & services for Amazon Sellers and Vendors.

I absolutely love Seller Snap, plus they’ve been sponsoring us for years now, which makes’em even more loveable!

Accurately Calculate the ROI of Your Amazon Business! Start using Seller Snap's Min/Max Profit Calculator today and take control of your pricing strategy with their 15-day free trial.

Stay informed and ahead of the curve with my bi-weekly updates.

Best,Jordi Ordóñez at