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  • AMZTools #2: 2022 trends, marketplaces are worth $7.2T, retail spending +18% YoY and more

AMZTools #2: 2022 trends, marketplaces are worth $7.2T, retail spending +18% YoY and more

Hiya and morning y’all, welcome to a new edition of the biweekly newsletter.

But, before, let me tell you this week I was featured on Helium 10 Serious Seller’s podcast (Spanish edition). Being a heavy user of H10 as I am, I feel honoured! Thanks to the H10 team :)

📰 What you need to know

  • Amazon is opening it’s own apparel store called Amazon Style. Among it’s innovations we can find touchscreen displays on fitting rooms (rate items or request different styles or sizes to be delivered to their fitting room), in-store purchase history in the Amazon app and more.

  • Amazon seems to be brand locking and blocking many asins for non-US sellers or non-us registered sellers to sell on Amazon US, according to the Amazon Sellers Group

  • Molson Hart, CEO at Viahart wrote a detailed post on Being an Amazon Seller in 2021; Year in Review. Key takeaways:

    • Amazon is 90% of their sales

    • Amazon is killing them with the new 2022 fees

    • He paid as much as $37k for a container coming from Indonesia

    • Inflation and Government stimulus is driving sales on the US

🚀 Tips, hacks and F***ing AMZ

⚒️ Tools you may like

  • ELITESELLER: 14 tools in 1 for Amazon Sellers. Use code AMAZONTOOLS for a 20% discount

  • PICKFU: Split testing, optimization, and instant consumer research. With PickFu, you can crowdsource up to 500 opinions in an instant. Real Amazon users.

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See you in 15 days!

Best,Jordi Ordóñez at jordiob.com