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  • AMZ Seller News #50: Helium 10 giveaway, vertical video comes to Amazon Ads, AI everywhere and more

AMZ Seller News #50: Helium 10 giveaway, vertical video comes to Amazon Ads, AI everywhere and more

AMZ Seller News #50: vertical video comes to Amazon Ads, AI everywhere and more

🏆 Helium 10 giveaway

Yes, I know, you joined this newsletter because you’ve read about the Helium 10 giveaway. If you’re one of the lucky winners, will get an email in a few hours.

Wanna tell your friends to join the giveaway? No prob! you still have time (2 or 3 hours tops). Just tell them to subscribe to this newsletter here.

I’m giving away 3 Helium 10 Platinum licenses during 6 months. If you’re already a H10 client, they will issue you a credit for the 6 months.

📰 What you need to know

👉 Sponsored Brand video now supports vertical video


👉 17-Year-Old Makes Over $30K Per Month With Amazon Side Hustle and, no, she’s not selling any BS Course

👉 Amazon continues to grow its marketplace by both new sellers joining and long-time sellers staying on for years. But, still, long time sellers drive half of Amazon’s 3P Growth

👉 Amazon Drops a Flat File update, Vanessa Hung reports

amazon fashion ai customer fit

👉 Starting on January 31, 2024, new campaigns using the Sponsored Brands product collection ad format will require a custom image that meets Amazon’s policy

👉 If you’re a Walmart Seller, you don’t want to miss this update, they’ve rollout branded keywords for Sponsored Product campaigns (it wasn’t allowed so far). Time to attack & defend!

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👉 Amazon to Lay Off Several Hundred Prime Video, Studios, Twitch Employees

🤓 Amazon Pro Tip

This week’s pro tip is brought to you by my friend Jon Elder aka Black Label Advisor, former Top 3,000 AMZ Seller, Exited his brands for 7 Figures.

If you don't have your Amazon exit in mind, START.

I'll be honest, you need to have at least 24 months to prepare for an exit to maximize your multiple.

Let's cover some basic thing syou need to get right in advance:

  1. Organized financials including P&L statements.

  2. A built out product pipeline for the buyer.

  3. No stock-outs of hero SKUs in the last 12 months.

  4. 50% YOY growth at a minimum.

  5. Strong off-Amazon presence. Think Shopify and social media. Buyers are adverse to 100% FBA brands now. Amazon is not enough!

👀 Interesting reads

walmart marketplace active sellers by marketplacepulse.com

See you in 15 days!

Best,Jordi Ordóñez at jordiob.com