AMZ Seller News #27: Sellerise, Amazon Sales fall and more

This edition includes: Sellerise, Amazon Sales fall and more


  1. Sellerise

  2. What you need to know

  3. Interesting reads

  4. This week’s tool

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An all-in-one tool for Amazon Sellers with +20 awesome features:

FINANCES: Sales & Profit, ABC Analysis, Manual Adjustments, Inventory, Profit & Loss & Payouts

ANALYZER & MANAGER: Smart Alerts, Reimbursements, PPC Dashboard & Adult Checker

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REVIEWS: Review Requester, Review Dashboard, Review Downloader & Review Puncher

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📰 What you need to know

👉 Amazon revenue rises 9%: Ecommerce sales fall 2% in Q4

👉 Amazon has an unfair advantage against 3P sellers on it's own marketplace, so Michael Patrón proposed some changes

👉 Interesting Twitter thread about a real Amazon Seller P&L and it’s profits

👀 Interesting reads

👉 Stale Amazon grocery stores need a fresh approach

👉 Has the new normal shopping habits killed ecommerce?

👉 I wrote a post on Helium 10 Black Box Advanced Filters (Cruxfinder)

👉 And another one about Amazon FBA reimbursements (SageSeller)

🤓 This week’s tool

As discussed on the sponsor's section, Sellerise is one of the new tools I discoveded and reviewed here

It’s soooooooooooooooooooo neat and UX friendly!

sellerise ppc optimizator

I particularly love the ABC analysis, which helps sellers identify the products that are the most profitable. A complete SKU profit analysis in just a few clicks!

Use coupon RISE3OFF to get a 30% Off during first month

See you in 15 days!

Best,Jordi Ordóñez at